In Addition To Being A Financial Planner, Kris is a Thoughtful Investment Strategist
One Of His Key Financial Strategies Is to
Seek Out Undervalued Investments
The Persinger Planning philosophy is that there may be opportunities to make profitable investments –no matter the market. We believe in making investment decisions that match our clients’ investment needs and risk profiles. And we pay attention to the little things like stocks you can sell at a loss at the end of the year to manage capital gains taxes.
We believe passionately that each client needs and deserves a financial strategy tailored to their precise needs, goals and dreams. Some financial services firms press clients to buy investments managed by those firms --whether they’re a good fit or not. At Persinger Planning, we are beholden to no one and always remember that what’s ideal for one client could be irresponsible for another.
As an independent investment firm, we can offer clients a broad buffet of choices. We strive to find the good fits and dig up possibilities others have overlooked. One way to build wealth is to optimize the positives in your portfolio, but we go beyond that, helping you manage negatives like taxes. Please see our Strategies section for hypothetical examples of how we work to address individual financial challenges.
Persinger Planning clients work directly with Kris to design a financial plan. Kris is an investment advisor representative with LexAurum Advisors, a SEC Registered Investment Adviser and also a registered representative with Brokers International Financial Services, LLC, a FINRA Member firm and Member SIPC. Custodial and Brokerage services are offered through TD Ameritrade, Inc. Member SIPC. or Charles Schwab & Co, Inc. Member SIPC.